Beverly Hills is a gold mine for aficionados of fine cigars and rare whiskies, with a selection of cigar lounges and whiskey bars to explore all over the city. At these four locations, enthusiasts can enjoy some of the rarest spirits and the finest tobacco available, with expert staff on hand to guide them to the best of the best.
£10 at Montage Beverly Hills
Located discreetly above Georgie restaurant inside Montage Beverly Hills hotel, £10 is a dark and intimate bar that welcomes connoisseurs to enjoy some of the world’s top whiskey, The Macallan Single Malt. Guests can sample The Macallan’s rarest and most prized blends, some aged as long as 62 years, served by head barman Cash Black. All guests need to decide: their choice of four different types of ice, with the most notable being the single ice sphere made of water imported from the Scottish Highlands.
The exclusive lounge is available by reservation only. Its luxury interiors, including Lalique crystal barware and light fixtures and exotic wood details were carefully handcrafted to create an atmosphere of class and sophistication.
Buena Vista Cigar Club
With its distinct, rustic atmosphere and wide collection of carefully-selected tobacco products, this cigar club has become a favorite among locals and visitors to the city. Allow the staff to handpick a cigar from their carefully chosen selection, suited to the visitor’s preferred taste. For added privacy, a more exclusive area upstairs has comfortable seating to sit back and enjoy.
The Club Bar at The Peninsula Beverly Hills
This elegant club at The Peninsula Beverly Hills takes a traditional approach to the bar experience: dark wood panels made of California birch and deep leather chairs circling the wide fireplace, create a dignified and timeless atmosphere. Sit at the bar or dine a table and peruse the list of drinks, rare single malt whiskies and signature Peninsula cocktails.
Kramer's Pipe & Tobacco Shop
Founded in 1949, Kramer's Pipe & Tobacco Shop continues the tradition of blending tobacco by hand and by the pound to the individual taste.
Hollywood "royalty" and loyal regulars have helped Kramer's to develop their most popular specialty blends, but the mission to provide a unique product and individual service remains a proven commitment.
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