If you want to consider how Gen Z will affect your future business, consider this:
- 36 percent of Gen Z are exercising regularly, while 50 percent want to start
- 30 percent are regularly using fitness facilities
- 72 percent of Gen Z regular exercisers are doing both gym and out-of-gym workouts
That’s according to a new report from Les Mills, a provider in the group fitness space. The intent of the report was to let fitness club owners and franchisees realize the potential of this huge market—but it’s a wakeup call for luxury travel advisors, as well. Gen Z isn’t quite as large as the Millennial cohort, but it comprises one-fourth of the overall population. Born after the year 1997, according to the Pew Research Center, the oldest of the Gen Z’ers is 26. If you think that’s young, think back onto when we were going on incessantly about Millennials a few years ago, trying to unearth their buying habits and spending trends so we could prepare for their impact on travel. Born between 1981 and 1996, according to Pew Research, Millennials are now between the ages of 27 and 42. They’re all grown up. Many are parents. They matter in the world of travel spending.

But back to Gen Z and their penchant for exercising in public places. That matters, too, and so do a bunch of their other habits. The workout stats above caught my eye because this deep-seeded ethic of working out at home and in clubs means Gen Z’ers are going to redefine what an active vacation is. Case in point: Some of you have added bike-riding excursions into some city trips to provide your more fit clients with a unique experience. Gen Z will surely want to partake in cycling trips around Paris, but they’re also going to want to know if their health and fitness club has a location in the places they are visiting. Will their memberships get them in to international locations? It’s not just about whether there’s a Peloton bike in their hotel fitness center, Gen Z is going to want to fit their well-curated lifestyle in to their travel.
In our most recent Luxury Travel Advisor Affluent Sentiment Survey, we asked advisors what the mindset of their Gen Z clients is. Several said they don’t have Gen Z clients; others noted that this group is still traveling with their parents so are not making final trip decisions yet. Others said this group wants deals, mostly because they don’t have that much money. Here are a few other gems culled from the responses:
“They want sustainable travel and wellness components to their travel,” said one advisor.
“Our Gen Z client base is open to new experiences, usually off-grid, immersive experiences that still have a sense of luxury. This is in perfect alignment with our vision and mission as an agency,” said another.
“They want to travel more internationally and to have memorable and unique experiences that are ‘media post worthy.’ They will spend more money for an upgraded experience,” was another comment.
“They want buzz, luxury and of course that perfect Instagram shot location. Bonus points if the destination is up and coming,” noted another.
Lastly, an advisor said older Gen Z clients are starting to book more honeymoons and destination weddings because they’re at that age.
Travel advisors can look forward to working with a fascinating new generation. There are so many other attributes not mentioned here but one thing is for sure, Gen Z will keep us on our toes and open up some new ways of looking at luxury.
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